This is how I occupied myself on our way to my grandparents 50th wedding
anniversary. It was a good time to see everyone together and shit but
the car rides are boring as hell. Now you can experience my "enjoyment"
of the trip.
--Special K
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Muse have been busy in the studio and already have a several tracks written for their next record.
As previously reported, Muse had tentatively started work on album number five, the follow up to 2006's 'Black Holes And Revelations', earlier this year.
Drummer Dominic Howard has now explained that the band wrote a few tracks ahead of their headline V Festival slots (August 16-17) and are set to head back to their studio near Lake Cuomo in Italy soon.
Speaking to BBC 6music Howard said: "We're working on new stuff and we're gonna have a couple of weeks off and then in about two weeks time we're back out to Italy to start writing again."
He added: "We've already done a few tracks and it sounds great, so we're just working towards the future."
Howard also admitted he was a massive fan of recent Reading And Leeds Festivals headliners Rage Against The Machine.
Original Source
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

well...the movie looks amazing. i liked this picture. BADDA BING! got myself a new background. :)
mantis man.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
who's afraid of the big black bat?!
guess who's back!
IM BAAAAACK. hahahaha. back at school....just unpacking my shit from the weekend. i'll probably make a video a bit later....i'm getting situated right once it gets a bit later i'll be good to go. :)
i've realized that NO ONE probably looks at this though...and it kind of makes me sad..hahaha. but its still fun for me to post shit up on it. so if you read it, PLEASE register and comment! fuckers. tell people about it...people that know me...tell them. have them come look at it. it makes me happy to get comments. it seriously does.
here's my room....kind of. hahahaha. ill take some more pics once i get my shit straight. promise.
i've realized that NO ONE probably looks at this though...and it kind of makes me sad..hahaha. but its still fun for me to post shit up on it. so if you read it, PLEASE register and comment! fuckers. tell people about it...people that know me...tell them. have them come look at it. it makes me happy to get comments. it seriously does.
here's my room....kind of. hahahaha. ill take some more pics once i get my shit straight. promise.

Friday, August 22, 2008
I Plej My Allegiance
well well well. the day has just started and so has my time here. i had a blast last night hanging out with my roommate and his buddy Joel and then my friend Chris came up from town and we tore up Charleston last night. We started out the night in the dorm room around 930 and then hit up a few parties (more like 6 or 7) throughout the night. we ended up back at the room at like 4am....needless to say, i know charleston a little more. i feel like i've walked 8 miles, but its totally worth it. the night was full of meeting new people and really experiencing college. im going to have a good time here...i can tell.

i'll be away from a computer for a day so be prepared. i'll have something good to blog about when i return on sunday though. i promise. :)
i'll be away from a computer for a day so be prepared. i'll have something good to blog about when i return on sunday though. i promise. :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
finally settled in.
well im posting from my room! i'll be posting some pics and shit later on, but i just wanted to check in and make sure i get something thrown up for a bit.

soooo here it goes. this is for my friend over at Rhino Film Reviews.
Looks like SOME people are looking forward to this movie besides us. hahaha. :) i randomly came across it searching for new music and thought of you...and how you MIGHT enjoy that. so there you go.

also....Rhino...check THIS out! ;)

soooo here it goes. this is for my friend over at Rhino Film Reviews.
Looks like SOME people are looking forward to this movie besides us. hahaha. :) i randomly came across it searching for new music and thought of you...and how you MIGHT enjoy that. so there you go.
also....Rhino...check THIS out! ;)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
finale from effingham!
well this is my last blog until i get my computer hooked up in my room at school. and the picture is exactly how i feel. its somewhat bittersweet. i'll post some pics from my sidekick prolly tomorrow sometime before i get my computer hooked up, but this is the final post from my room. :( but i do promise more updates. at LEAST one a day. from this point on. if i dont post one, it'll be for a damn good reason. my roomate (A-Train) seems like he's gonna be a legit dude. we've talked several times on the phone and he seems JUST like me...which is a very good thing. i have a good feeling about the way things are going to go in the matter of a few days. i'll post tomorrow with some pics or video of my new place. until then, here's some random bits of information for you.
Rhino Film Reviews:

The Problemaddicts: (click name for myspace and picture for a surprise!)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
New info regarding updates!
Well ladies and gents!!! I have great news. I can upload pictures from
my sidekick DIRECTLY to here, so ill be posting some random-ass be prepared! Hahahaa.
my sidekick DIRECTLY to here, so ill be posting some random-ass be prepared! Hahahaa.
Also...I got a new camera!!!!! Yayyyy. And as you can tell by the
picture....yes, its HD. Who knew that I'd be able to blog in
HD....lollll. Stay tuned my friends...stay tuned. :)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sweet graphic right?!? Its gonna be my new favorite hoodie as soon as I
have enough money and time. :)
have enough money and time. :)
Friday, August 15, 2008

alrighty, so my friend ryan has a new blog. so EVERYONE should get out there and read his shit. he's hilarious and knows it. hes a HUGE movie buff and got me into movies and is to blame for most of my humor. give his blog a looksie and leave some love! :) just click the banner above and it will take you straight to his blog. ORRRR be lazy and click this link.
Farewell Mr. Green

well last night was Mr. Green's last night in town.... :'( it was a pretty sweet night though. what made everything awesome was the week leading up to last night. i dont think i've ever laughed so hard or had such a good time than i have this past week. i guess knowing the end of something good is near, makes you really appreciate what you have and make sure that you dont let it go to waste. as for mr. green, thanks for hanging out with us...and letting us crash in your garage. we made that place home. thanks. :) i'm probably speaking for everyone when i say that we'll miss you being close (even though you're only 2 hours away). hahahaha. just be sure to come back everyone once and a while and we'll def make it there to spend a weekend with you or something. it's been fun my friend, it's been real fun. :D
Monday, August 11, 2008
Paper Scissor Stone
sooooo. i dont have much time (as usual). so im making this one short. i went to the state fair today. not too bad. it was nice weather...sun got hot at times, but over was a good day. and the night should be just as good. :)
look at this sign...seriously? its supposed to attract kids to go fishing...THOSE KIDS ARE FUCKING TOOLS! who wants to go fishing with them...for real?!?!

sheep....i've seen black thanks. i got close enough to take the picture then got out of there.

i was just waiting for one of em to jump on my back and start eating me...scary thought isn't it! i certainly didnt want to end up like either of these guys!!

and finally...the KKK: Sheep Division.

to end the day...we watched a fucking alligator show. thats right...alligators in ILLINOIS! :D i was sooo excited. and this is what i got to see. sorry its bad quality... :(
look at this sign...seriously? its supposed to attract kids to go fishing...THOSE KIDS ARE FUCKING TOOLS! who wants to go fishing with them...for real?!?!

sheep....i've seen black thanks. i got close enough to take the picture then got out of there.

i was just waiting for one of em to jump on my back and start eating me...scary thought isn't it! i certainly didnt want to end up like either of these guys!!
and finally...the KKK: Sheep Division.

to end the day...we watched a fucking alligator show. thats right...alligators in ILLINOIS! :D i was sooo excited. and this is what i got to see. sorry its bad quality... :(
Saturday, August 9, 2008
My Drive Thru
good song. download it now.
but anyway.
we saw The Midnight Meat Train last night...aaaand it was amazing. what makes the movie better, is that Lionsgate isn't really promoting the movie at all...and so only the people that truly want to see it are the ones that are going to see it. which makes me happy. i dont want the fucking douchebags in there that are jumping at every little part because they're scared, screaming at something "scary" happening (fucking panzies), and complaining because there are awesome people like me and my friends who are clapping and laughing at all the right times. so if you HAPPEN to be in a theater and it's a dirty horror flick (ok it doesnt even need to be a dirty horror film...just a fucking good one), don't be surprised or disgusted when people like myself start laughing, clapping, and saying HOLY SHIT, or OH FUCK, or anything along those lines. K? kk. now that's settled...let's get to the review of the film.
to begin with, with a title for the movie such as The Midnight Meat Train, could you really expect it to be a love story? no? yeah me neither. but it was. hidden underneath all the blood, gore, and psychological mood swings, there is a love story that really doesnt hit much throughout the movie until the's an amazing ending to the movie. I couldn't have predicted how the movie was going to end and my jaw was dropped and eyes wide open trying to comprehend what just happened. The blood effects were amazing and even though the CGI did get a little out of hand at times (totally added to the feeling of the movie and the environment). bottom line is...honestly, clive barker is a fucking genious, plain and simple. the movie starts out exactly how you'd expect it to...on the train watching people get fucked up. perfect. the story is surprisingly well thought out and very worth every penny (even though it was a $2 ticket). I would have willingly paid the $7.50 to watch it though. I dont really know how to write a review of the movie without giving any spoilers so just look at the picture and know what you're getting yourself into when you step onto the Midnight Meat Train.
good song. download it now.
but anyway.
we saw The Midnight Meat Train last night...aaaand it was amazing. what makes the movie better, is that Lionsgate isn't really promoting the movie at all...and so only the people that truly want to see it are the ones that are going to see it. which makes me happy. i dont want the fucking douchebags in there that are jumping at every little part because they're scared, screaming at something "scary" happening (fucking panzies), and complaining because there are awesome people like me and my friends who are clapping and laughing at all the right times. so if you HAPPEN to be in a theater and it's a dirty horror flick (ok it doesnt even need to be a dirty horror film...just a fucking good one), don't be surprised or disgusted when people like myself start laughing, clapping, and saying HOLY SHIT, or OH FUCK, or anything along those lines. K? kk. now that's settled...let's get to the review of the film.
to begin with, with a title for the movie such as The Midnight Meat Train, could you really expect it to be a love story? no? yeah me neither. but it was. hidden underneath all the blood, gore, and psychological mood swings, there is a love story that really doesnt hit much throughout the movie until the's an amazing ending to the movie. I couldn't have predicted how the movie was going to end and my jaw was dropped and eyes wide open trying to comprehend what just happened. The blood effects were amazing and even though the CGI did get a little out of hand at times (totally added to the feeling of the movie and the environment). bottom line is...honestly, clive barker is a fucking genious, plain and simple. the movie starts out exactly how you'd expect it to...on the train watching people get fucked up. perfect. the story is surprisingly well thought out and very worth every penny (even though it was a $2 ticket). I would have willingly paid the $7.50 to watch it though. I dont really know how to write a review of the movie without giving any spoilers so just look at the picture and know what you're getting yourself into when you step onto the Midnight Meat Train.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
how fast...

" we'll blame it on learning. it gets harder with time. but even with distance, i know that true love will survive..."
i'm not real sure where to begin, or how for that matter. but all i do know, is this sucks. knowing that you're going to be losing someone close is hard to take. you dont know HOW to take it actually, at least i dont. im not talking about talking about someone that you hold really close, someone close to your heart, just decides to walk out one day. when this happens, i sit back and think to myself, "what the fuck did you do this time? how could you fuck up something this great? you've lost something great dude. congrats on fucking up. again." thats the ONLY thing going through my head. am i being too hard on myself? nah. i deserve it. things get good in my life and i take complete advantage of it. and i've come to realize it. my life is SHIT right now. complete.
babe, i've fucked up. i know i have. i took advantage of you and i can now see that. what sucks about the whole situation is you not once opened up and told me these things that bothered you, and you know thats what i wanted. unfortunately, i can't read your mind and know exactly what you're thinking so the things that i was doing that bothered you wnt unchanged and i made things 10 times worse. there's not a whole lot i can do at this point except apologize and apologize some more. if there i ANYTHING i could do to help this situation, i hope you know that i would. if i could change how often we'd see each other, i totally would. i'd absolutely LOVE to spend every day with you, just laying around, going out to eat, doing whatever we wanted to. any chance that we have to spend together, we should. there's not one other person that i could spend every day're the only person taht holds that spot. there's no one else that deserves my time either. you've put up with sooo much of my shit, and i thank you for that. and now that i truly know how you feel, i want to show you that i'm not just using you, walking all over you. i can never get enough of you and looking back, its funny to me to see that i wasn't spending the maximum amount of time with you...and thats crazy to me...and i cant believe that i did that. just simply knowing what you want, makes me soooo happy. when you don't express your feeling, your emotions, the things you WANT, i can't make you happy...and thats my only goal. i just want you to be happy regardless of what sacrifices i'll have to make. i HATE that you're second guessing us. i really do. i hate that im causing this pain for you...that im the reason you're upset. i never meant to cause you pain and make you upset...put you through this bullshit. no one deserves to go through this, especially an amazing girl like yourself.
it even pains me to think of going to a whole new place without having that "security blanket" back home that i can rely on. with you in my life, i can go venture off to a new school and regardless of how shitty it is, i'll have you to rely on. i want you to be that person that i can come crawling back to and know that you're there for me. with your doubts of how things will work out, and being afraid of getting hurt, i cant do it. i need you. i need you now more than ever. yeah, i'll meet new people, but there's no doubt on my mind that you'll be the only thing im thinking of. you're my girl, and i plan on doing everything i can to keep it that way. i have such awesome thoughts and ideas for us in the future...and to think that it could all be coming to an end, it hurts. it hurts really bad.
im asking you, im begging you...on both knees, to please forgive me. i know i've fucked up and i've realized that. sucks that i couldnt figure it out on my own, but i'm still learning how to read you. i've gotten better, but it's still not good enough. like i said, im truly sorry for the pain and suffering i've put you through. i can only hope that the feelings we've expressed for each other is real and true.
"things have been getting kind of heavy these days. trying to figure out which road to take. there's many decisions to be made. and the only time i feel ok, is when i'm in your arms..."

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