so here's what went down last night:
Thriller Thursday started at 8 PM
Thriller Thursday is when we listen to Michael Jackson's Thriller CD all the way through for four hours, with watching the video every hour on the hour (8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
After Thriller Thursday was done Keegan, Derv, and myself went to late night to get pizza.
We got back to Taylor and a girl was walking in and we started talking to her. She asked if we swiped to get pizza because as an RA (which she is) you dont have to swipe and she was wanting to rub it in our faces. So Adam (AKA Derv) being the funny guy he is, says "Yeah I always wipe!" it was so fucking hilarious.
We get back up to the room and turn on the TV to see what movies are on and Real Sex happens to be on. Real sex is a show on HBO that is strictly sex. Naked people, having sex, talking about sex, using dildos, vibrators, the whole nine yards. so we were watching, learning, just enjoying it and we hear pounding outside. We go out to the hallway and there's these two drunk ass fucks pounding on the RA's door (which is right next door to mine). We ask them whats up and they explain they're drunk and wanting to talk to Andy (the RA). Well he's not there so one of them calls him and is talking to him. We come back into the room because Real Sex was on...we didnt want to miss any of it. The dude comes back into my room and explains that since the RA isn't here, we have free reign over the floor and can do what we want. Well he decides it'd be best to fuck with Andy. The pictures explain what happened. Enjoy.