Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
random uppage.
hey there. i've been busy. deal with it. here's something to get you by though...
Sea of Treachery (metal band) covered Paramore (pop band). its ridiculous. enjoy Misery Business!!!
Metal Misery Business
i'll be updating this soon. promise.
Sea of Treachery (metal band) covered Paramore (pop band). its ridiculous. enjoy Misery Business!!!
Metal Misery Business
i'll be updating this soon. promise.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
long time. me love. you.
so its been a while...i know. im sorry. (mainly to those who actually enjoy looking at/reading my shit...which is awesome. thanks to you guys. (actually probably just the 3 people...ryan, randi, heather...i think its mainly you guys...if there's someone else out there who's watching me...and checking me out (oh thats dirty!, but thanks ;)...let me know via myspace or something...cuz that'd be awesome.
few updates for ya.
My brother is coming home this weekend so I might be making a video or 2 with him. we'll see how things go i guess! we might be jamming this weekend (actually im sure we will) so that'll be fun. if we do anything awesome i'll either record it and put the mp3 up for download or make a video and post that up so you can watch. it'll be FUNNNN fo sho.
I'm officially no longer single. which is awesome. thanks to my new awesome girlfriend for taking care of that for me! :D she makes me soooo happy and its awesome that things finally worked out. i make her happy, she makes me happy, so therefore...everyone will be happy cuz im constantly in a good mood. im really looking forward to how things are goign to shape up because as of now...things are craaaazy out of control (in the very best way possible) so as time will only get better!!!! :D
i found out that my webcam has a microphone on it...which i didnt know until like 2 nights ago when i was eating capn crunch. so im MAY be doing a vlog from that sometime soon...not sure though.
The Alternative Press Tour is coming up....i ordered my tickets for that this morning....i'm REALLY looking forward to that because all of the bands that are playing are awesome...i'm probably most excited to see Sonny...because it's TOTALLY different than what i'm used to..but its SOOOO good. John Mayer is going on tour this summer!!! im excited about that. he's touring with colbie caillat and brett dennen. it's going to be awesome im sure. im going to that fo shooooo cuz its going to be awesome.
other than that...i think that wraps up this edition. i'll be posting more...i promise. :)
and with that....i leave you with this. enjoy my friends.
Special K
few updates for ya.
My brother is coming home this weekend so I might be making a video or 2 with him. we'll see how things go i guess! we might be jamming this weekend (actually im sure we will) so that'll be fun. if we do anything awesome i'll either record it and put the mp3 up for download or make a video and post that up so you can watch. it'll be FUNNNN fo sho.
I'm officially no longer single. which is awesome. thanks to my new awesome girlfriend for taking care of that for me! :D she makes me soooo happy and its awesome that things finally worked out. i make her happy, she makes me happy, so therefore...everyone will be happy cuz im constantly in a good mood. im really looking forward to how things are goign to shape up because as of now...things are craaaazy out of control (in the very best way possible) so as time will only get better!!!! :D
i found out that my webcam has a microphone on it...which i didnt know until like 2 nights ago when i was eating capn crunch. so im MAY be doing a vlog from that sometime soon...not sure though.
The Alternative Press Tour is coming up....i ordered my tickets for that this morning....i'm REALLY looking forward to that because all of the bands that are playing are awesome...i'm probably most excited to see Sonny...because it's TOTALLY different than what i'm used to..but its SOOOO good. John Mayer is going on tour this summer!!! im excited about that. he's touring with colbie caillat and brett dennen. it's going to be awesome im sure. im going to that fo shooooo cuz its going to be awesome.
other than that...i think that wraps up this edition. i'll be posting more...i promise. :)
and with that....i leave you with this. enjoy my friends.
Special K
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
they wont ge tit douche.
AK - 11th Hour says (1:13 AM):
im crying
im lollling so hard.
oh shit
Ryan says (1:13 AM):
AK - 11th Hour says (1:13 AM):
i just spit water everywhere.
Ryan says (1:14 AM):
AK - 11th Hour says (1:14 AM):
oh god.
Ryan says (1:14 AM):
AK - 11th Hour says (1:14 AM):
stop drinking
Ryan says (1:15 AM):
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Home Movies....seriously?!
It's my birthday....aaaaand 4 girls decide to throw on some old home movies and reminisce about their old memories...
My Birthday.
4 Girls.
Party time.
Home Movies.
now you tell me....which one doesn't belong?!
(ladies...if you're reading this, i want you to know that i'm just kidding. i had a blast that night. so thanks.)
but seriously.....
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
buhrfdate twoday!
"Global warming is not only the number one environmental challenge we face today, but one of the most important issues facing all of humanity ... We all have to do our part to raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet."
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Im kinda on a global warming tangent deal with bitches.
So today's my birthday. yayyyy. its really not THAT exciting...but it's something to get excited for so i'll take it.
last night was really fun....shortlived...but it was fun! me and ryannn made a video at his house...we sat and talked for like 10 minutes straight and didnt get much accomplished really...but i'll be editing that video tonight cuz we got kinda crazy through some of yeah. i'll have that up HOPEFULLY by the end of the night. it will be up by the end of Wednesday FO SHOOOOO. i MIGHT even throw another video or two up before i post the one with ryannn. we'll see how things happen!
im going out to eat tonight with my family for my birthday and then i'll prolly either hang out with the girl :D OR i'll head to shane's and chill with A Skylit Drive and Memphis May Fire for a while tonight. we'll see what happens i guess. i'm def going to be hanging out with the girl though...i have to. :)
thats all for now i think. enjoy your day.
Special K
Monday, April 7, 2008
wanna LOL right NOW?! check this shit out.
check that shit out. just keep playing it. aaaaand it gets funnier as time goes on. truuuust me.
second of all. PLEASE go to youtube and check this guy out. he's super funny and makes me laugh. props to RYANNNN for finding him. ok. kthnx.
im at ryan's aaaand we're gettin ready to make our video aaand then we're going to walmart. HELLLLLL YAAAAA. i cant wait. anyway. he showed me this shit and we LOL'ed for several minutes. so enjoy that. i did.
so this is me at work. i just wanted to throw something up before i went into town to run my errands. there's a VERY good chance that you'll get to see some people that are important to me. (I HAVE FRIENDS!!!!) Believe it or not....(Ripley's style) I do have friends and either Randi or Ryan WILL be on my video tonight. i dont care what of them will appear. SO you have that to look forward to!!! YAYYYYY.
Topics of upcoming video:
Hot Tub
Upcoming shows and tours I want to attend
Upcoming movies
tonight's activities
SOOOO there ya go. now you have a heads up of what to expect tonight and tomorrow.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Partial Update II 4-6-08

so is it just me...or does Jason Statham (from Crank, The Transporter I and II, Revolver..which is the guy in the top part of the picture on the top)....resemble Bruce Campbell (Ash from the Evil Dead series...the picture on the bottom). to me...he looks very similar. now speaking of those two movies...i spent the night over at my friend Ryan's house (who also happens to be the janitor at the theater i work at) and Ryan, Jacob (another coworker), and myself stayed up until the wee hours of the morning watching the Evil Dead trilogy. Now, to the untrained eye, this may not seem like much of a milestone. But to me, it was. I drank a gallon of green tea, and jacob drank somewhere along the lines of 14 carbonated beverages (Dr. Pepper and Mt. Dew Code Red if im not mistaken). It's been too long since we've had a repeat of that night if you guys are reading this (which i know ryan will be *HEY RYAN*), we should do that again. so lets pick out some badass movies and REPEAT (chicago bulls style) the night. deal? awesome. i knew you'd agree.
Partial Update 4-6-08
Hello Good Friend!
wellllll it's sunday. which means im working 4-8....yipeeeee. i get to miss all the good shows on TV. the good news is, i dont have class tomorrow so it's basically another saturday night. but my friends (the few that i have) have school tomorrow so really it's me spending time with myself or with ryan (since he's cool and doesnt have class either). so yeaaaaa. we'll see what happens. the one person that i REALLY want to hang out with has class at 8am...and i doubt that i'll be hanging out with her for very long tonight. but we'll see! might turn out to be one hell of a night depending on if she wants to hang out with me. if she does...i think we all know whats going to happen! (and no...its not dirty. get your minds out of the gutter!) :P aaaanyway. things have gotten better since last night. so far, everything is good in the hood. but we'll see how things go! i'll be posting a new video or two tonight when i get home from James'.
Special K
Mid-Weekend update. [/watch?v=I_l6pmBp4d8]
Dear Everybody,
well....round two, here we come!
sadly, this isn’t goign to be filled with the comedy and wit like normal...mainly because i’m sad and comedy and wit just aren’t coming to me.
i’ve been home for about an hour tonight...and the only thing i’ve gotten accomplished is thinking about the girl. i know, i’s typical and no surprise to anyone, but it’s not the usual "thinking of her" that i do....this time it’s bad....bad enough that the last like 20 minutes of my car ride home from waterloo....i didn’t listen to ANY music because there was nothing good on the radio and all the songs were about love, relationships, missing someone....and that’s exactly the thing i didn’t want to be listening to.
i guess the point of for me to just take some time away from my life and become someone i’m not. i can say what i want here; i can do what i want without worrying; i can be me. and i love it. but wait a second...i can’t be myself though when my mind is constantly going back to matter what i try to think of to take my mind off of goes right back to her. now you tell can i be myself? i can’t. and to be honest...after what she told me today...i’m lost. i’m like the puppy who lost his way. . i dont know what to say. i dont know what to do. i dont know what to even think to be honest.
but i’ll tell you whats on my mind.....her. and only her.
if you understand the subject, then kudos. you can watch the video and kind of understand what i’m talking about. mainly towards the end...around 3:15 explains a lot and why i’m so upset.
on a lighter birthday is in 3 days!!! yayyyyyy. too bad the only thing that i want, seems to be gone now.
happy early birthday to me....
Special K
One Week

where to begin? well....i guess to begin i have to state my purpose.
this isn’t intended for everyone to read and to get their jollies from.
this isn’t for people to read and feel sorry for me.
this isn’t written to make you laugh.
this is me.
love is a funny topic to talk about. sometimes you find it in the strangest of places. othertimes it’s been right in front of you for so long you dont even know it. have i found love? i thought i did...i was wrong. am i in love? you could say that, but i dont know her name. what im saying is....i can’t say if im in love, at least yet. we’ll see how things happen in the future to know for sure. all i can say right that i dont know if ive been happier since meeting her. seeing her, talking to her, even knowing im going to get to see her or talk to her makes me smile. i can’t complain. except for the fact that certain people have caused a little too much drama for us already. i enjoy every second i get to spend with her and even talk to her. so if you’re reading this...thanks girl. :)
my birthday. ahhhh the time of year that makes me realize that i haven’t done nearly anything that i’ve wanted to. and becoming the great age of 20....which means a whole lot of nothing to be honest...doesn’t really thrill me too much. the only reason im because im closer to 21. and who can blame me for getting excited right? with my birthday around the corner i began contemplating what i want. and i’ve decided that im either getting my lip pierced or a tattoo. but i think i’ve narrowed it down to getting my lip pierced because i have NOOO idea what tattoo i’d get and i def dont want to get a tattoo that i’ll regret or dont like.
i’m goign to be going to EIU this coming fall. im pretty excited about going just for a change of pace. im ready to meet new people and really start to understand the true college at home hasn’t really given me a taste of being in college, and especially a community college at that. im really excited. i dont even know what im going to be doign during the summer. hopefully working a lot and saving money and then hanging out with my girl. we’ll see what happens though i guess.
turns out, i have off on friday and saturday night. which means i’ll be able to celebrate my birthday the real way...with a party. :) and then sat night im going to see MYDII....its going to be a good time im sure! ALSO, Punk Goes Crunk comes out on my bday! :) im pretty stoked.
OH YEAH! im urging everyone to read this, tell your friends to read it, and comment. tell me what you think, what you want to know, what you don’t want to comment, msg me, call me, do waht you need to. i’m just trying this for a while...if i dont get any feedback then i’ll stop.
thats all for now guys. take care.
Special K
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Special K
Start your day the right way, with a cup of Special K!
That's my slogan. cool right? didnt think so either...but its not bad. hahaha.
well...this is me. i'm going to be uploading blogs onto here that i don't necessarily want to post on myspace. these are probably going to be a bit more heartfelt...more interesting...more controversial. it's just an easy way for me to vent and say the things i need to say. some of these will be video blogs, others typed like this...
stay tuned for more information, more fun, and more blogs! yayyyy.
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