where to begin? well....i guess to begin i have to state my purpose.
this isn’t intended for everyone to read and to get their jollies from.
this isn’t for people to read and feel sorry for me.
this isn’t written to make you laugh.
this is me.
love is a funny topic to talk about. sometimes you find it in the strangest of places. othertimes it’s been right in front of you for so long you dont even know it. have i found love? i thought i did...i was wrong. am i in love? you could say that, but i dont know her name. what im saying is....i can’t say if im in love, at least yet. we’ll see how things happen in the future to know for sure. all i can say right now...is that i dont know if ive been happier since meeting her. seeing her, talking to her, even knowing im going to get to see her or talk to her makes me smile. i can’t complain. except for the fact that certain people have caused a little too much drama for us already. i enjoy every second i get to spend with her and even talk to her. so if you’re reading this...thanks girl. :)
my birthday. ahhhh the time of year that makes me realize that i haven’t done nearly anything that i’ve wanted to. and becoming the great age of 20....which means a whole lot of nothing to be honest...doesn’t really thrill me too much. the only reason im semi-excited...is because im closer to 21. and who can blame me for getting excited right? with my birthday around the corner i began contemplating what i want. and i’ve decided that im either getting my lip pierced or a tattoo. but i think i’ve narrowed it down to getting my lip pierced because i have NOOO idea what tattoo i’d get and i def dont want to get a tattoo that i’ll regret or dont like.
i’m goign to be going to EIU this coming fall. im pretty excited about going just for a change of pace. im ready to meet new people and really start to understand the true college life....living at home hasn’t really given me a taste of being in college, and especially a community college at that. im really excited. i dont even know what im going to be doign during the summer. hopefully working a lot and saving money and then hanging out with my girl. we’ll see what happens though i guess.
turns out, i have off on friday and saturday night. which means i’ll be able to celebrate my birthday the real way...with a party. :) and then sat night im going to see MYDII....its going to be a good time im sure! ALSO, Punk Goes Crunk comes out on my bday! :) im pretty stoked.
OH YEAH! im urging everyone to read this, tell your friends to read it, and comment. tell me what you think, what you want to know, what you don’t want to know...talk. comment, msg me, call me, do waht you need to. i’m just trying this for a while...if i dont get any feedback then i’ll stop.
thats all for now guys. take care.
Special K
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