SOOOOO. it's friday afternoon and im sitting in my room...killing time, cleaning up my room and just chilling listening to Spitalfield. My brother has a blog (after seeing how cool mine was, he felt the need to get his own) and he has some pretty sweet posts. go check him out. FO SHO!
the reason im writing this though is because Palin is a failure at life and she's not far behind McCain. so PLEASE check out the links below and use them wisely. thanks. :)
Vote For Change
I know i'm not the most political person and everyone that knows me can vouch for that. My point for this is that we need a change in this country. Obviously are ways have turned this country to shit and there's a presidential candidate that has some good views for once. let's get him elected into office. and not talking about think again.
OBAMA/BIDEN all the way baby. do it up and exercise your right to vote.
yes sir! thanks for the shout out, and such. also, good to see you're becoming more politically involved. some interesting stuff is going on. vote for change!
Obama sucks!!
Hm...I guess Obama does suck if you have no idea what you're voting for because all you care about is one issue: abortion. Almost everyone I know who supports McCain/Palin know nothing about him or his plans to obliterate middle class America...just that he is semi anti-abortion. What they refuse to realize is that Roe v. Wade will never be turned over and there are so many more issues that are more important! Totally ridiculous really.
Obama has to patriotism for this country what so ever. and maybe after/if he is elected we will finally realize what a mistake we have made.
McCain sucks too... they both suck. I honestly dont care what happens, whatever...
ps: Adam I love that you care about this stuff b/c so many college kids our age don't and this election will affect us the most...ow!
I made a post regarding the comments above. Hope you enjoy!
you guys act like you know so much and that you know what is right. my brother is possibly going to be going to war.. ya i dont think you guys know anything about that feeling... cuz you DONT. so dont act like what you want is the only thing that is right and what everyone else thinks is wrong, because its not. you dont know how it feels... we have the freedom to vote for whatever we want or whoever we want, so dont be judgemental. i said what i said as a joke.... ill know not to do that anymore.
Hey Randi, I wasn't attacking you in my comment. I guess that's what it looks like, but what I was trying to do was voice my frustrations about the topic, not your comment. I respect everyone's right to an opinion and a choice, whether or not I agree with it. I had no intentions of offending you or your bro.
AND as far as brad's blog goes, I know he wasn't attacking you either. Thats why he didn't use your name or anything. Whether or not you were joking, he was just trying to make a point that apathy in college age kids really is a problem and he was using the comments as an example.
Case in point: Please don't stop reading/commenting Adam's blog b/c of me or brad's big mouths haha
I think what Randi meant by "Obama suck!!" was supposed to be used as a noun.
1. a sucking movement or force (that would be the democratic party)
2: the act of sucking (whenever Obama opens his mouth)
if we're talking about grammar we should mention the republican party's perfect grammar of using the word 'nucular'
e.g. Palin in the 2008 vice presidential debate, and about every presidential speech dealing with foreign policies over the last 8 years.
Guyeeez, can't we all get along? I'm gonna end this on a note that we all can agree on: Politicians SUCK! It's just a matter of choosing the lesser of the two evils, whoever that may be. The thing is, just saying fuck it and not voting is like slapping a soldier in the face. They go out and risk their lives to defend what our country stands for, and yet so many Americans have the audacity to not exercise the very rights they are fighting for? Soldiers have died for those rights. Did they die in vain?
Just something to think about.
no one ever once said they werent voting, people will vote for change, and adam was right when he said that.
but people have their own opinions and own feelings that go into that process and other people shouldnt try to push theirs onto others. not everyone is going through the same thing.... its nice that everyone wants to voice their opinion but dont try to change other people's.
maybe people like that are the reason youth is not voting... because they are being pressured from all angles and criticized for their opinions.....
Hey just for the record, I'm not the one that threw out the "Obama Sucks" comment. I never once said anything about about other people's political views or opinions except that I think one-issue voters are frustrating because they don't care to educate themselves on the candidates before they vote. That happens on both party lines, I never even really said that Obama DOESN'T suck.
Really,you have to admit, you and Ryan are the only ones who were "pushing" your opinions on the candidates on anyone. Not that I care, I like to hear what other people think and I'm not easily offended.
i was joking! wow how many times do i have to say that!!? as soon as i was criticized for what i thought, saying that i dont care and things like that is when it got started.
ryan said something to lighten the moood. people just cant take jokes anymore i guess. I was told i have no idea what im voting for, that i dont care, and basicaly said that i was slapping my brother in the face.
you guys need to stop being so judgemental and look at what is realy going on. wait you dont have to cuz you dont know how it feels okay? you can sit back at your computers and study up on politics thinking you know what is right and wrong while other people are here worrying about whether they are ever going to see someone they love again. you DONT know how it feels. Say your statistics and what you read, but you have no idea.....
and i AM easily offended when it comes to my family...
Randi, I never said you had no idea what you were voting for, but since you brought it up...I would like to hear your definition of patriotism. You criticize Obama for having no patriotism, and as far as I've seen that's your argument for not liking him. You mention we will realize what a mistake we'll make if Obama is elected. What mistake will have happened if Obama does get elected?
If you care so much about your brother (which I know you do), you think you would care about this election and not say things like, "I honestly dont care what happens, whatever..."
Me sitting my computer reading statistics and informing myself is making up my mind for myself based on solid facts. I'm not basing my judgment on what everyone else thinks around me. Aren't you proud of me for that?
Haha ok ok someone is taking this blog thing WAY too personally. You assumed my first comment was directed at you and it wasn't, it was in reference to adam's political blog post. You're taking all of these comments as attacks on you and your "family"...that's your problem. I was NOT trying to make this into some petty argument, I was trying to voice my opinion on the election and see what other people had to say. Obviously you don't understand that and I'm sorry you took it so personally, that was certainly not my intention.
You all know I am not the type of person to deliberately start an argument, don't make this more than it is seriously.
PS: Ryan's comment was funny, i never said it wasn't.
Can we be done now?! Haha i'm sick of this pointless discussion. Adam, write a new post about something gay pleeaase :p
I said what i said to end the arguing...
but im done with this. you guys go ahead and say what you want to say push your opinions on other people. but im going to do what i think is right.
money is obviously the only issue you guys are worried about, and that is fine. but dont forget about other people and what they are going through.
if anything, be thankful that you are where you are and thankful for the life you live, not everyone is as fortunate.
its a lot more than what is seen by the eye.. remember that.
and what i said was meant for adam.. not for you..
Screw you for saying this is just about money! One of the main reasons I am voting for Obama is so this pointless war will be over and our troops can come home! AND so people like your brother won't go over there for some pointless reason. No one wanted this to turn into an argument. I was discussing politics, and you apparently weren't. Yes, do what you think is right. I never said you shouldn't. As a matter of fact, that's what I want you to do.
I have no hard feelings. Hopefully no one else involved in this does either. Randi, I know we were never like best friends, but I consider you a friend. Like I said, this wasn't meant to be an attack on you. I appologize. Hopefully your feelings are mutual.
yep.. thanks.
I'm serious Randi. I promise it was not meant as an attack. It all got out of hand really fast. I'm sorry. I really don't want it to be the basis of whether or not you like me as a person. I meant for that last comment to end this b/c hate how this conversation turned so personal. BUT I have one last little blurb to say. First, I completely agree with Randi that we should all be thankful for the lives we lead; we are much better off than many others. Also, I agree that there is a lot more that meets the eye in issues like this.
Also, for the record, I know you think you're the only person in the world with someone you care for in the military, but I, like you, have both friends and family in the armed forces, some in Iraq, and some that I care about very deeply. So, to say I don't understand isn't really fair. BUT that is neither here nor there, we are both in the same boat and that is something we should embrace, not argue about.
And to finish this off, I will repeat that nothing I said in my first comment or the comment about not voting was directed at attacking Randi and not once was I trying to push my opinions on anyone. I wish this hadn't gotten so personal, I really really hate conflict.
I have nothing against anyone in this little convo and I hope that the only thing anyone takes from this for good is the importance of getting out there and voting for what you believe in!
Dang it! I really need to start refreshing my browser before I submit my comments. Move that last one up a few posts b/c thats where I meant it to be haha
so i guess im allowed to make one more comment hu?
well here goes nothin...
first of all the Obama sucks! comment was a joke and as you said you guys wanted to "educate me" which is beyond me, cuz i think i can educate myself.
secondly my second comment was made as small talk about politics, then brad took it too far by saying that i dont care. i said that because i didnt want drama.
thirdly i care about one thing and one thing only.. thats the safety of my brother. i dont give a damn about who the president is or if he is lowering taxes or giving insurance to old people or wtf ever. I care about Jordan. thats it.
fourth im sorry for ever making those comments about any of the candidates cuz obviously you guys take offense to that, for some reason. you take offense to me stating my opinion, which you can do without anyone questioning you.
to end this... i dont care about politics... thats it. sorry if that hurts your feelings or whatever, like i said, i care about Jordan, and thats the only position of the president that i care for. maybe we can all take a little something from all of these arguements and learn something.
once again... im sorry.
See that's the thing you criticized a candidate with what you call a 'FACT' (example: "Obama has no patriotism for this country what so ever"). So it wasn't "small talk politics"
Please post a direct quote pointing out where i said that YOU don't care. I'd love to see it!
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