Wednesday, October 8, 2008


for all you non voters, try this on for size:

Andrew McMahon and the vote:
To all considering to vote in this upcoming election: DO! We are in the midst of one of the most important elections in history right now. I am the first to admit that I believe all politicians are flawed and the system is broken, but the only way to affect change is to take a stand and vote. We owe it to ourselves to watch these debates and cut through the massive amount of bullshit and try and find the candidate that speaks most clearly to our own core values. We can argue that neither of these men or their tickets represent us as a country and while that may very well be true, I dare say that it's best we all find one that gets close verses allowing either to take a pass and become our next president because we did not stand up and let our own voices be heard. Every persons politics is their business and my goal would never be to try and force mine, the only point worth forcing now is getting informed and getting to the polls.


brad_krischel said...

copy cat! i posted this on my blog!

Rwhyan said...

I think there should be a "no vote" on the ballot, id be in favor of that.