Monday, November 3, 2008

The Anti-Christ

this is from a note on facebook....

The anti-Christ
Today at 12:10pm

According to the book of Revelation, the anti-Christ: will be a man in his 40s, of Muslim descent, who will come out of no where, decieve the nations with persuasive language, and have a massive Christ-like appeal...the prophesy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. It it Obama? I strongly urge you to think about it! The book of revelation says that the beast will be allowed to have authority approximately 42 months. Thats almost a 4 year presidency term!

like....seriously?!??! really people? are you that desperate that you're making correlations like this? or have nothing better to do with your time? go recycle something, do something good for everyone and stop wasting your and my time.

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