Monday, April 7, 2008

wanna LOL right NOW?! check this shit out.

check that shit out. just keep playing it. aaaaand it gets funnier as time goes on. truuuust me.

second of all. PLEASE go to youtube and check this guy out. he's super funny and makes me laugh. props to RYANNNN for finding him. ok. kthnx.



im at ryan's aaaand we're gettin ready to make our video aaand then we're going to walmart. HELLLLLL YAAAAA. i cant wait. anyway. he showed me this shit and we LOL'ed for several minutes. so enjoy that. i did.

1 comment:

Rwhyan said...

AYE MARINE! hahahaha oooh god. Yeah that shit is so amazing. Im looking forward to the next blog tho! MAKE IT GOOD.